Value type of same Deal custom field different in two endpoints


since yesterday we notice a strange behavior in api responses concerning a custom field value type.

We have a custom field of type single option in our Deals. We now noticed a different value type of those custom field between different endpoints.

When we request the endpoint “api/v1/deals/{id}” we receive this custom field value in the response:
“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”: 186

When we request the endpoint “api/v1/persons/{personId}/deals” we receive this custom field value:
“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”: “186”

So in one api endpoint its an integer and in the other its a string.
We are wondering about that behavior and are sure that this changed suddenly since yesterday 24.01.2023.

Is there an explanation for that?

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Welcome to the community, @SaSu :wave:

I have DM-d you to ask for additional information, so we can investigate this. Hoping to hear from you soon! :slight_smile:

We’re having the same issue within one endpoint: when calling the Organisations with the “List all Organisations” endpoint, some of the organisations return an integer for the field value, some others a string