Way to bulk-pull deal contact people?


I need to pull relevant deals and their contact persons for some advanced reporting/stats.

My app first creates a filter, then gets deals from it via /deals, and then removes the filter). The problem is the /deals response includes only limited information about the contact person, whereas I need full info (all fields + custom fields).

So currently what I’m doing is iterating through the received deals and getting each contact person from the /person endpoint one by one. However with 200-300 or possibly more returned deals that takes quite a while and is generally not very efficient.

Isn’t there a way to get full deals + contact persons JSON in one go?

And if not, is there a limit to the amount of conditions a filter can have? I could maybe add the ids of all involved persons into an OR filter and pull that in a single request? (doesn’t sound too plausible with a few hundred conditions but who knows)

Hi @darekmmm,

There is no better way to get full contact details rather than to call the details endpoint.

So currently what I’m doing is iterating through the received deals and getting each contact person from the /person endpoint one by one. However with 200-300 or possibly more returned deals that takes quite a while and is generally not very efficient.

I assume creating a report for 200-300 deals + their contacts should not be instant, so this solution seems reasonable as long as rate limits are not abused.

If would like more efficiency and power ower data you could do it only once and subscribe for updates via Webhooks.