Webhook 2.0 - Tests and improvement proposals

We are carrying out tests and noticed that the webhook went into a loop.

We created a *.deal webhook.

The webhook we created is used to update information as soon as a deal is created in Pipedrive. When an update occurs in Pipedrive, we also consult our ERP.


Step 1 - Action webhook (*.deal) and POST JSON “only create or change deal in web or app” (not api) “type = general”
Step 2 - Process information in ERP / Totvs and SAP.
Step 3 - Update deal again with informations extras “type = application”

Step 4 - New event in webook started…

In this case, field type no change in 2.0 version… He always arrives as a general

This field “type” represents field “change_source”: “app or api”, in version 1.0?