Wordpress Contact 7 Form Sends my info as a Contact and I need it to create a Deal

Hello! I’m using the API from Wordpress Contact 7 form to create a Deal in Pipedrive. My API is working, but instead of a deal, it’s creating a contact. What am I doing wrong? Also, my contact 7 form allows attachments (.pdf, .jpg, .docx). Can these flow through to Pipedrive?

Hi Lisa,

Would you be able to give an example of the API code that is being used? Then I could see what may be the issue.

Also, it is possible to add files via POST /files

Hi David,

Thanks for replying. I will ask the developer for the API code. Thanks for the posting idea, but the leads will come in via our website and won’t be in a file.


Hi David,

I had the pipedrive plugin working fine on wordpress and then I went in to test something and saw that it was deleted due to an error. I’m attaching the screen shot. Do you have any idea what happened and how I can fix it?

<img width=“1268” height=“719” style=“width:13.2083in;height:7.4895in” id=“Picture_x0020_4” src="/uploads/db8802/original/2X/2/2aefb796ce86abb989965030dca28f43e4d3ad1b.png" alt="Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated">
