Unable to open Settings for a live private app

We’ve created a private app, added an App settings page (Custom UI type) and specified the iframe URL.
After installing the app for our account, we were able to open the settings correctly via Tools and integrations / marketplace app.
Then we switched the app to Live and got the install link with Share app.

However, after creating a new account and installing the app using our link, we’re getting error 404 when trying to access the settings using the following address: ~/api/v1/marketplace/apps/{id}?session_token={token}
Could this be caused by an issue on or side or are app settings unavailable for a live private app when accessed from a different account?

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Hi @Serge,

Welcome to our Developers’ Community! :wave:

I want to learn more about the ~ symbol in the address you shared, please – ~/api/v1/marketplace/apps/{id}?session_token={token}.

Usually, the URL should be {COMPANYDOMAIN}.pipedrive.com/api/v1.

Could this be because you have multiple Pipedrive companies?

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