Webhooks v2 trigger on product change of a deal

The v2 version of webhooks is not triggered when products quantities or prices associated with a deal change. Will this be implemented in the future? This is very important for software implementations requested by my client.

The v1 version is triggered when product quantities or prices are changed, but as v1 will be deprecated and v1 has limitations as opposed to v2, it’d be very dissapointing if this feature won’t be present in v2.

Another topic where this topic is addressed: https://devcommunity.pipedrive.com/t/webhook-change-products-in-deal/7076


I was discussing this issue in the topic you just mentioned. Unfortunately, we have not found a solution in the meantime. Pity.

@Daan_Smit Are you really looking for a custom solution to the scenario?

I have an alternate solution to offer, which can help in the situation

Let me know If you are interested to discuss

Good Day